white and red pitcher

Dave. Yes, Dave...but who? Wait, what?

Betwixt the masses of human languages known to man, words cannot be assembled to truly define "Dave".

A few photos of him being "Dave" should suffice. But also text. So... there ARE words over there that can also actually kinda truly define Dave... Sooooo...

Try to forget what we said before this last bit, about words not cutting it. Please. Thanks!

Dave is married to a wonderful woman, who's name will not be disclosed on this professionally assembled and completely inclusive website of Humanity doing its thang.
In addition to a loving wife, Dave has participated in the rearing of a couple of smaller carbon copies of himself and his wife, in a town or city somewhere.
All siblings, we mean, spouses and their children in play are Human or at least considered "Human" based on the percentage of original physical human parts they still retain.

Dave enjoys spending his weekends and free times trying to tame a jungle that refuses to submit.
Hey, we thought that backyards were for relaxing. C'MON

Dave has been known to enjoy a science every now and then (he only does it when in the right state of mind, uses it responsibly, and doesn't do it in front of his kids, don't worry).

Biology: Raising (2) human-adjacent children, only to be supplanted by them at a later date
Chemistry: Combining and Heating of many different elements to create new forms - AKA, dinner
Botany: Nothing like suffering from bottom blossom rot after months of building his new garden
Meteorology: Because Dave knows, when it rains, his basement won't flood, because...why would it?
Astronomy: When one look through his telescopes shows Dave that all of his hard work means nothing

Maybe he should have just thrown his whole body into the jaws of that T-rex. Maybe. Just sayin'.

The Arts - This seems like a brag, but it def comes off a bit sad. Sorry, man.

1996 - Dave lands his first role in the school musical, continuing to participate for the next 4 years - never to get a leading role. Sick.

1997 - Dave appears in an episode of Law and Order - delivering 0 lines. Despite being a named character, and earning a couple of SAG credits, don't bother looking it up, he isn't credited in the episode (ep #0807)! At least he got to show off this sweet bowl-cut before a National TV audience.

2001 - Dave sings live on the radio for WBLI's Island Idol 2. He finishes in 5th place. No one remembers.

This last set of photos obviously reflects the candid shots taken of Dave with no time to pose. They are definitely NOT A.I. created shots...NOPE!

Hobbies and Other Activities That You Don't Care About

Just look at some more photos, and read a little bit more text. We made it as brief as we cared to.
We probably didn't even ask you to come to the site or read this, anyway. So stop complaining, please.
If we did invite you, whoops, our bad. If not, c'mon man, you need to lessen those expectations around us.


The art of taking photographs of space-related bodies and happenings. or something like that.
The photos above are Dave's creations. You can probably tell by the horrendous processing job on the first photo (Orion Nebula) and the second photo (Andromeda Galaxy).
He has nothing self-deprecating to say about the full-moon shot. We think he's pretty proud of himself for that one [GAG]

Maybe we will write more later, but we are beat. It's bed-time, ya'll.